Lowongan Kerja Indosat Tahun 2016, Job Vacancy PT Indosat Ooredoo is an official company in providing telecommunications services and best telecommunications network in Indonesia. Indosat offers a communication channel for a mobile phone through a choice of prepaid or postpaid. Indosat is able to compete with other competitors by offering mobile phone users with IM3, Mentari, Matrix. Besides, the company also offers services via voice telephone communication channel that has been divided into fixed international calls, wireless services and internet multimedia service providers and data communications.
PT Indosat Tbk kembali membangun hunian sumber daya manusia untuk menyelesaikan segala kegiatan dan program untuk mendukung operasional dilingkungan seluruh wilayah klaster indosat terkait dengan mencari kandidat kandidat lulusan diploma melalui lowongan kerja terbaru sebagai berikut
Cluster Leader Technical Operation - Sampit
- Melakukan pencegahan dan perbaikan semua peralatan termasuk Corporate, Radio Access, Transmisi, Power System di seluruh wilayah klaster terkait
- Memastikan layanan pengiriman ke pelanggan dan pelanggan korporat diseluruh wilayah klaster terkait
- Diploma Degree (D3) with major study in Informatics / Computer / Electrical / Telecommunication / Industrial Engineering
- Fluent in English
- Able to work independent and under pressure
- Has an experience in telecommunication industry or similar jobs work is advantage
- Solid integrity, professionally and personally.
- Healthy physical and spiritual
- Strong initiatives in self-development
- Commitment to quality and timely result of the works.
- ready for placement in Sampit - Indonesia
- Menjadi tenaga Contract
Jika kamau adalah talenta talenta muda yang memiliki semua kriteria pada lowongan kerja indosat diatas silakan daftarkan diri anda melalui registrasi online dengan memasukkan lamaran anda CV anda melalui situs berikut : Daftar, Lamaran akan kami buka hingga tanggal 30 March 2016 mendatang. Pelamar terbaiklah yang akan diproses lebih cepat. Terimakasih
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